Langstone Harbour has its own enforceable byelaws to maintain safety of navigation and protect the environment. Each year we carry out enforcement activity at Magistrates Court.
Langstone Harbour Byelaws (1994)
1. Title and commencement
2. Application
3. Interpretation
4. Particulars of Vessel must be declared if asked
5. Vessels must navigate with care
6. The speed limit is 10 knots over the ground and 5 knots over the ground in the Marina Approach Channel
7. Small vessels must not obstruct fairway
8. No making fast to navigation marks or buoys
9. Accidents, sinking, groundings, stranding, fires etc to be reported
10. Vessels adrift must be reported to the Harbour Master
11. Vessels must not cross the fairway unless safe to do so
12. Navigate on starboard side of the channel
13. Priority of vessels meeting
14. A competent master must be on board during navigation
15. The master must be on the bridge or in control during navigation
16. Vessels underway must be seaworthy
17. Vessels must stop or allow boarding when asked by the Harbour Master or police
18. Navigation under the influence of drink or drugs prohibited
Berthing & Mooring
19. The Harbour Master may direct a vessel where to berth or moor
20. Vessels not to obstruct access by another vessel to pontoons, jetties etc
21. The Harbour Master may require a vessel to weigh anchor
22. Except in emergency, vessels must not anchor so as to obstruct navigation
23. Vessels must have adequate fenders and must use them to prevent damage to property or other vessels
24. Vessels must be properly moored when berthed alongside
25. When berthed, anchors must be stowed and all projections beyond the vessels sides removed
26. Vessels must be at all times in navigable condition unless the Harbour Master has been informed
27. Vessels to have sufficient crew at all times to move, moor or deal with emergencies.
28. Restriction on engine trials while berthed or moored.
29. Any anchor, cable or propeller lost should be marked and the Harbour Master informed. The Harbour Master may require its recovery
Goods and traffic
30. Goods loaded or discharged in the harbour to be removed as soon as practicable. The Harbour Master may issue directions about the time, place and manner of loading or discharging goods
31. The master to prevent material falling into the water or onto the Board’s premises
32. A competent person must be on board to supervise all loading and discharging
33. The person in charge to inform the Harbour Master of any material dropped into the Harbour and take steps as required to recover it
34. Care required operating vehicles within the Board’s premises
35. Person in charge of a vehicle on the Board’s premise will do as instructed, and not leave it unattended or take it into any shed or work area
36. Vehicles or parts of them must not be abandoned in any part of the Harbour The Harbour Master may assume that a vehicle is abandoned unless he has been told otherwise
37. Vehicles must not leak, spill or drop substances
38. Loads must be properly secured and be within the capacity of the vehicle
39. Vehicles must not be fuelled within Harbour premises without permission
40. Fuel may not be transferred between vehicles and vessels without the Harbourmaster’s permission
41. All accidents to be fully reported to the Harbour Master
General Byelaws
42. Vessels must be open to the Harbour Master’s inspection and examination
43. Vessels not to be fumigated without permission
44. No ballast, rubbish, sewage or offensive matter to be discharged in the Harbour
45. Nothing may be left on Board premises without permission. It must be removed when directed
46. Fishing nets and lines must not cause obstruction
47. No dragging or grappling within the Harbour without permission
48. Vessels must have their names or means of identification marked conspicuously. Any change of name or ownership of vessels must be reported immediately in writing
49. All small vessels kept or used in the Harbour to be registered with the Harbour Master. The Harbour Master to be informed of any change of ownership.
50. Vessels not to be abandoned on the Harbour shore. A vessel that seems abandoned will be treated as abandoned unless a contrary indication is shown
55. Masters of vessels to assist emergency services in alleviating or preventing emergencies
56. All reasonable precautions to prevent accidents by fire
57. No source of ignition to be used on Harbour premises without the Harbour Master’s permission All reasonable precautions to be taken against starting fire No one to obstruct attempts to prevent or extinguish fires
58. No smoking where smoking is not permitted
59. Officers must not be obstructed in their duty
60. No unnecessary signals to be made
61. Diving operations - signals and supervision
62. Wrecks to be removed or marked as directed by Harbour Master
63. Harbour premises not to be obstructed by goods or vehicles.
64. Harbour Master may require details of goods leaving Harbour premises and make verification
65. No dredging without permission
66. Moorings not to be tampered with and vessels not to be cast adrift
67. Aids to navigation not to be interfered with
68. Fire Fighting and Life Saving Equipment not to be interfered with
69. Unauthorised notices not to be displayed on Harbour premises
70. No fireworks without permission
71. No firearms or offensive weapons to be discharged on any vessel or within the Harbour
72. No fishing from Harbour premises
73. No unauthorised swimming or diving
74. Regattas, races and similar events to be notified to the Harbour Master and directions obeyed
75. Regattas not to be obstructed
76. No bait digging within 10 metres of moorings or in restricted areas
Special craft
51. No water-skiing without written permission and only in designated areas. Tow vessels to have another person capable of taking charge and assisting with recovery. BS life jackets or buoyancy aids for each person on board required plus two distress signals and a fire extinguisher. For each water skier a rescue quoit and line or other hand thrown rescue device. No kiting or parachute towing without prior written permission.
52. No hovercraft or hydrofoils to navigate without permission.
53. No jet skis in the Run. No jet skis in other prohibited areas. Written permission may be available for the use of jet skis in the Harbour.
54. No landing of aircraft in the Harbour without permission.