Bass Fishing
Langstone Harbour is a designated Bass nursery under the Bass Order 1999 and as such fishing for bass, or any other fish using Sand Eels as bait by any fishing boat in any part of the Harbour, is prohibited between 30th April and 1st November. Although this prohibition does not extend to fishing from the shore it is expected that shore anglers will respect the need for this prohibition and return to the sea any Bass caught in nursery areas.
Fishermen targeting Bass should be aware that dramatic declines in Bass stocks in recent years have caused further restrictions to be placed upon both the length of the closed season and the number of Bass allowed to be caught by both commercial and recreational fishermen. For up to date information on the current regulations on the capture of Bass please contact the Southern IFCA.
Fishing is a popular activity in the Harbour. A small number of commercial fishing boats berth in and work its waters, and large numbers of recreational anglers can be seen on its shores when the weather is good. A number of angling clubs operate around the Harbour, details of which can be seen on the Links page.
Fishing is one of the most popular activities in Britain, and when enjoyed responsibly can be a very rewarding pastime. Always remember to take your fishing litter (including bait bags and old line) home with you and dispose of it safely - 15% of the litter in British seas is fishing related. Stick to minimum landing sizes, pay attention to closed seasons and only ever take as much bait as needed.
For details on the Angling Clubs that fish from Langstone - Havant Sea Angling Club, Storehouse Lake Angling Club, Southsea Sea Angling Club and the Langstone Harbour Fisherman's Association - please see our Clubs page.
For details of Charter Angling Boats operating from the Harbour please see our Charter Angling page.

It is an offence to sell any sea fish caught from a vessel which is not correctly licensed and registered in accordance with current regulations. The Southern IFCA (Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority), formally Southern Sea Fisheries District Committee, regulates fishing activity in Langstone Harbour.

A code of conduct for bait collection in Langstone Harbour, and the wider Solent has been produced. By adhering to this code, bait will be readily available for the fishermen of the future. Simple measures including ensuring holes dug into the foreshore are back filled, and the avoidance of unnecessary bird disturbance can make a big difference to the preservation of the natural environment of the Harbour. It is illegal to collect bait commercially in Langstone Harbour without the permission of the landowner.