Charging those who use the Harbour is the way we fund our duties to maintain and conserve Langstone

Leisure Vessel Charges
All vessels using Langstone Harbour MUST pay Harbour charges and dues as appropriate.
The revenue derived from Harbour charges, dues and from mooring fees is used by the Langstone Harbour Board to meet the full cost of the management of the Harbour.
This covers giving advice and assistance, maintenance of navigational aids and the enforcement of byelaws.
This applies if your boat is kept on a permanent mooring in a marina, or if you are visiting for a week or just a day.
Harbour dues are deemed not to have been paid unless a plaque is displayed.
Commercial Vessel Dues
Langstone Harbour supports a busy trade in sea-dredged aggregates primarily through Kendall’s Wharf on the western side of the Harbour. Vessels of up to 80 metres overall length can be accommodated and cargoes other than marine aggregate may be accepted by arrangement with berth operators. Over half a million tonnes of marine aggregate are imported annually through Langstone Harbour.
The Harbour also raises charges for passengers landed in the Harbour either charging per passenger (as for the licensed Ferry service) or as a one-off fee for coded Charter Fishing vessels using the Harbour's pontoons to land or drop off passengers.
The majority of the Harbours income is derived through the charging of vessel and cargo Dues on the commercial traffic that uses the Harbour. Without this trade the Harbour would not be able to fund itself