Compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code is assured through an annual audit of the Board’s Marine Safety Management System by ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd. The Designated Person who provides the Board with independent assurance that the MSMS is working effectively is Monty Smedley of ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd (ABPmer), whose contact details are below.
Every three years compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code is reported to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).
Marine operations involve not only risk to life and property but also to the environment. The Harbour is also heavily designated as a conservation asset and has developed a Safety Management System based on risk assessments that recognise risk to the environment as well as life and property.
In July 1998 the Government published its Review of the Pilotage Act 1987, which proposed that a Code for marine safety in ports should be developed.
In March 2000 following wide consultation with the ports industry the Port Marine Safety Code was published. The aim of the code was to promote best practice in the ports industry. A Guide to Good Practice for Port Marine Operations has also been developed and this, together with competence standards being developed for port marine personnel, is intended to assist Harbour authorities in implementing the requirements of the code.