Yachts and day sailors are always welcome at Langstone Harbour.
All visiting vessels are liable to pay Harbour Dues
Yachts - There is deep water at the Harbour entrance at all states of the tide (although shoals either side of the entrance channel extend well out into the Solent and the ebb and flow streams at the Harbour entrance are strong). The moorings on the West side of the Run belong to the Eastney Cruising Association (ECA) and should not be used by visitors to the Harbour.
Visitor Moorings - Visitors to Langstone Harbour can contact the Harbour office where staff will direct them to a visitor mooring appropriate for their vessel. Competitively priced short term mooring rentals are also available for those wishing to extend their stay.
Fuel, water and waste reception facilities - are available at the Hayling pontoon and Southsea Marina. Harbour Office working frequency VHF Channel 68. Call ’Langstone Harbour Radio’.
All visiting vessels, including vessels visiting Southsea Marina, are required to pay Harbour Dues which go towards the upkeep of the harbour.


Marina Facilities - Southsea Marina welcomes visitors throughout the year. Entrance to the marina is through an automatic cill gate between HW-3hrs and HW+3hrs.
The Marina lies in the shelter of Eastney Lake in the southwest of the Harbour to the west of Eastney Point ferry staging and a waiting pontoon is available outside cill opening hours - 3 hours each side of high water.
The marina offers a full range of marine services including pump out facilities (for ’black water’ from sea toilets). Visitors are liable for Harbour Dues at the daily rate. These may be paid in advance to Langstone Harbour Board.
The marina is approached along a dredged channel extending from close north of the Eastney ferry pontoon through Eastney Lake to the reception pontoon close to the marina entrance, where vessels may wait afloat to enter the marina.
The channel is marked with lit and unlit lateral piles and care should be taken to keep within the channel if approaching the marina around low water. Small boats are moored on either side of the marina channel and a good lookout should be kept for these, especially at night. Vessels drawing over 1.2 metres should exercise special care when navigating the marina channel at low water.
The speed limit in the marina channel is 5 KNOTS. Please use the channel considerately and ensure that your wash does not interfere with nearby boats.
In addition to pump out facilities, diesel and petrol are for sale. The wide range of on-site facilities includes chandlery, technical and engineering services, lift-out, hard standing storage, and approved training courses.
Bombay Bay restaurant is located within the marina complex and offers a full menu and well stocked bar for all occasions.
For more information contact Southsea Marina on 023 9282 2719 or visit the website here.
All vessels visiting Southsea Marina are required to pay Harbour Dues which go towards the upkeep of the harbour.