Watersports and other adventurous outdoor activities
Windsurfing and Kayaking are permitted in Langstone Harbour, however to protect the harbour’s internationally important bird life participants must avoid landing on the islands in the Harbour, as well as ensuring they avoid causing disturbance to wildlife in other sensitive areas. Windsurfers and kayaks require Harbour dues to use Langstone Harbour.
For safety reasons as well as the unique environmental sensitivities present in Langstone Harbour, kitesurfing is not allowed within the Harbour. There is, however, a vibrant and popular kite surfing destination just a mile away on the southern shore of Hayling Island. Further information about kite surfing at Hayling Island can be found here.
The Civil Aviation Authority has recently promulgated Langstone Harbour as a Bird Sanctuary. Pilots of any aircraft are now requested to avoid overflying the Harbour at a height below 500ft throughout the year to avoid disturbance to birds. A portion of the latest edition of the aviation chart for this region illustrating the area promulgated as a Bird Sanctuary can be seen here.